Six Alberto Giacometti sculptures are due to be reunited at a Tate Modern retrospective for the first time since their debut.

The Women of Venice , female nudes statues made of fragile plaster, were intended to be displayed together since they were created in 1956.

The Tate Modern exhibition, which will take place this summer, will see the sculptures together for the first time since their appearance at the Venice Biennial. The retrospective will show over 250 pieces of Giacometti’s art, including sketches and plasters that have never been seen before.

The Swiss artist spent most of his time in Paris. He based the sculptures on his most important model, his wife Annette, who became a prominent muse for his work.

Giacometti’s work features elongated figures as a motive of the post-World War II alienation and isolation felt by so many. The gallery hopes that the exhibition will “reassert Giacometti’s place alongside the likes of Matisse, Picasso and Degas as one of the great painter-sculptors of the 20th century.”