Veganism is becoming more and more popular all around the world, especially in London. The UK’s capital is the best city in the world for vegans, according to HappyCow, an online vegan and vegetarian restaurant guide.

Research by The Vegan Society found the number of vegans in the UK quadrupled between 2014 and 2019 to more than 600,000. This change of lifestyle and diet is mainly due to the concerns about animal cruelty and the climate crisis, according to the study.

Animal agriculture accounts for 18 per cent of all greenhouse gases, which is equivalent to the worldwide emissions of the transport sector, said PETA UK. A study by the Water Footprint Network found that 76 gallons of water are needed to make animal products for one person every year. Animal agriculture is one of the main factors behind the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, according to Climate Nexus.

Many scientists claim that a plant-based diet would help to tackle climate change.

But what exactly is a vegan diet and how can people become vegan? Listen to our podcast with nutritionist Jill Lucas, which explores what makes a good plant-based diet.