Cancer research UK shows the Millenials seems to be the fattest generation ever, with 70% overweight before they hit middle-age

As research shows people born between the early 80’s and mid 90’s are taking over baby boomers, seven out of ten millenials are expected to suffer from obesity. ‘The Guardian columnist, Simon Jerkins, says Obesity is a greater threat for Millenials than cannabis. It’s absurd’

Though they are set to be the fattest generation ever, the government is still denying the issue- when it should be treated like any other health issue. Described as a very sociable generation, Millenials are suffering from this new illness from an unhealthy eating and drinking and not so much from a lack of exercise or ‘unhealthy lifestyle’.

Tackling this issue does not come by itself- obesity could create long-term diseases such as cancer. ‘These figures paint a worrying picture for the future. We cannot overlook concrete evidence that being overweight increases the risk of developing breast cancer’ explains Rachel Rawson, clinical nurse specialist at Breast Cancer Care.

For now, those fast-food and drinking trends need to come to an end, for Britain to overcome this new challenge and save the next generations.