GPs agree deal to end 8am scramble for appointments
More online appointments for will be available for patients in England, with an extra £889m of funding for general practices.
GPs agree deal to end 8am scramble for appointments
More online appointments for will be available for patients in England, with an extra £889m of funding for general practices.
'Life-changing' gene therapy treatment for children born blind
Children who were born blind have undergone "life-changing improvements" in their vision thanks to an experimental gene therapy trial in London.
More Britons than ever are expected to reach 100 as life expectancy rises
The ONS predicts more than one in 10 boys and one in six girls born in 2023 will live to 100.
Health, News, Science, UK, Uncategorized
Covid infections rise in the UK for third week in a row
Up to 1.4 million people in the UK have tested positive since February 14
HIV Testing Week Returns for 2023
The upcoming HIV Testing Week promotes regular testing amongst the most affected population groups in England
Concern Over Covid Is At Its Lowest
The Office for National Statistics' survey also found a high percentage of adults worry over their increasing costs of living.
Gambling Addict Teacher Who Killed Himself Was ‘Abused By Parasites’
The verdict was reached after an inquest into the English teachers death was launched in 2017.
European Union, Health, International, News
EU Commissioner For Poland Pledges To Shelter Refugees
Poland’s commissioner to the EU estimated that the total number of refugees from the Russia/Ukraine conflict that have come to Poland could reach over 2 million.
Meat Eaters Have a Higher Risk of Cancer, New Study Finds
The study found vegetarian women had an 18% lower chance of developing postmenopausal breast cancer compared to those with frequent meat intake, and prostate cancer rates dropped by up to 31% for men.
Spain Relaxes Travel Restrictions For British Teens
From Monday, Brits aged 12-17 will no longer need to be double vaccinated to enter Spain.